How Did I Get So Lucky? Landing My Biggest Movie Role Yet!

Ahmad Mawas in character for the movie North of the TEn

When I was first starting out in the entertainment business, around 2011, I did my homework. I would watch entertainment shows and try to catch some of my favorite actors expressing themselves. I’d try and learn how they came to be so successful and get some inspo myself. How did they get so lucky to begin with?

Lucky or Prepared: The Promise

Ahmad Mawas with North of the Ten cast and crew

North of the Ten Cast in Abu Dhabi

Oftentimes in these interviews, I would hear the word “luck” thrown around. It was luck that got them a role, it was chance that led to their big break. But, something about that didn’t sit too well with me.

When I moved out to Los Angeles, I made a promise to myself. I wouldn’t sit around and wait for luck to come my way. The decision was that I would be aggressive in my pursuit of success in the entertainment industry. It was also that I would disassociate myself with anything that may stand in the way of my pursuit.

This meant minimizing social functions, re-evaluating my circle of friends, and distributing my energy and thoughts with caution. The equation was: Hard work + (Patience* Persistence) = landing more roles and getting closer to my dream.

I refused to wait on an answered prayer or some “luck” to come my way. To me, it wasn’t about being lucky, it was about being prepared!

Landing a Role in “North of the Ten”

In the beginning stages of “North of the Ten” production/development, one of the producers approached me. He let me know there was a possible role for me, one scene, and I was happy to accept. No matter how big or small the role was, I still considered it work and I’m always grateful for any opportunity that comes my way.

I recall that a while after that, I was back in Minneapolis visiting. I happened to fall asleep, literally like knocked out on my couch. They were now in the early stages of filming (“North of the Ten”) at that point. Again, asleep on the couch which rarely happens, my phone was next to me on silent mode. This time however, I left the phone’s vibrator on, which I never do. The phone goes off, vibrating! Luckily, I woke up to the vibration at 2:00 am and it was the producer!

Making it Bigger

He tells me, “There’s an opening for the role of the brother. But, it needs to be filled asap.” They needed to fill the role in the next 24 hours, and he asked me to send him all my info and materials. The director wanted to get on a call with me because the producer spoke so highly of me.

The cast at Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi!

At this point, I understood what it meant to be lucky. It really just means when preparation meets opportunity. My version of being prepared is keeping my acting reel and resume updated (among other daily habits and rituals). I’ve worked extremely hard on building my reel and making sure it’s at its best. In five minutes time, all my materials were in the hands of the production team in Abu Dhabi.

The director liked what he saw and, soon enough, we were on a call within the next half hour. We spoke at 2:45 am, fifteen minutes to get to know the character and he got a feel of my energy. He said that he felt I was a great fit for the role and that my reputation made him comfortable putting his trust in me. I was ecstatic!

Putting in the Work

I was on a flight to Abu Dhabi at 10:00 am that same morning! Talk about fast life! My career in consulting had thankfully prepared me for this type of on-the-spot traveling, so I was comfortable with it all. I know how to manage jet lag and stay productive! Eighteen hours later, I landed in Abu Dhabi.

I had studied my lines on the plane and did my preparation. I got there ready to work! After landing, I went straight to filming and we crushed it! Everyone, the director and producer, loved it and, in fact, developed the script to include more of my character and take some risks with that character.

Needless to say, I was very happy. Being part of “North of the Ten” was huge for me because of the way it all came together. It taught me a lot about the business and myself. Preparation is key, the opportunities will arise, and hard work will pay off! So, how lucky was I?

Btw A-Team, you can stream “North of the 10” right now on BET+! Watch your boy in action, and let me know how you like it.


Red Carpet Premiere: North of the 10


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